Post by tonya30513 on Aug 27, 2004 22:25:40 GMT -5
phoebe im so sorry for what i said i didnt mean it.i love you and i want you to come home with me we all love you and want you to stay. please.
seer to source~tell barbas to hurry they are starting to reunite...not much longer now...
Post by hotlips70 on Aug 27, 2004 22:33:28 GMT -5
* Barbas yells to all the demons...."LET'S GET GOING, WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME. GATHER TOGETHER MY BROTHERS,AND SISTERS...." Leo orbs in on Paige and Sam. " Sam is there anything I can do? Is she ok?" Leo turns to Paige" Paige we are here for you." Speaking out Loud..." What is going on? "
Post by wildcat14 on Aug 27, 2004 22:38:06 GMT -5
source ( barbas attack now )
Post by hotlips70 on Aug 27, 2004 22:52:39 GMT -5
Barbas and the other demons and darklighters flame, blink, and Phase up to the surface, into the manor....
Leo talks to Sam" sam can you help Paige, I need to get to Prue....Watch out....the demons are attacking..."
Leo orbs to Prue. He finds Andy and Dyrral with Prue. " Andy we are under attack...we need Prue now...You have to tell her that you love her and show her. That is the only way to get her back to herself. Do it Now...."
Post by Amanda on Aug 27, 2004 23:16:13 GMT -5
((Prue still doesnt know Andy and Darryl are there, stil lcrying and rocking back and forth on the hall floor)) Gone..gone..gone..their all gone... I..I let them go..gone..Piper, Pheobe, Paige, Leo, Andy, Darryl.. there all gone. ((Continues rocking and crying))
((Darryl sitting there with Andy)) Man, you have to do what Leo said. Make her realize shes not alone!
Post by Newlycharmed on Aug 28, 2004 1:03:31 GMT -5
Sam~Paige honey, this is no time for tears, we're all going to get through this, but right now we have to get ready for this attack. Your sisters will all be back together very soon. What can I help you with? Potions, spell writing? We don't have much time.
Phoebe~Piper I love you too, but you do have to realize that I have to live my own life. Now having said that I think we should get back to the manor...we can talk about our issues later. (Hugs Piper, gets a premonition about the attack in the manor) OH!!! WE HAVE TO GET HOME NOW!!! I'LL EXPLAIN ON THE WAY! HOLD ON!!! (puts foot on the gas and heads for home, pulls up to manor 3 minutes later)
Post by tonya30513 on Aug 28, 2004 1:09:10 GMT -5
LEO!LEO WHERE ARE YOU?!? hurry i hear them in the living room...it must have begun... they run in to the living room and see barbas and darklighters and demons there....
Post by CharmingP4 on Aug 28, 2004 1:40:21 GMT -5
Paige: ((hearing the racket in the other room, wipes her eyes)) You're right, its gonna hafta wait. ((she runs into the other room and suprises a demon with a kick sending him across the room, she runs to Piper and Phoebe's sides)) Glad to have ya back sis ((she says to Phoebe, as she takes fighting stance to the demons))
Andy: ((moves so that he is kneeling in front of Prue, pulls her arms to her side and props her face up)) Prue honey, none of us are gone. We are all here....I'm here, Prue. I am always here. ((he gently pulled her close and kissed her lips softly)) I need you ((he whispers, praying she could hear him))
Post by ~*~Kit_The_Kat~*~ on Aug 28, 2004 6:19:47 GMT -5
(Grams, with the children, finally realizes what Wyatt is drawing but realises too late because she is grabbed by a demon from behind.....Chris awakened and crying TK's his teddybear at the demon ((surprised by this the demon turns and tosses grams to the side)) grams is dazed but and the same time sees Wyatt orb Chris to him and then raises his sheild to protect him and Chris. Grams watches as with one blink looking at the demon Wyatt is able to vanquish the demon and then looks at grams and smiles) Grams: "Good boy, Wyatt!! That's my great grandsons!!" (grams gets up and wyatt lowers his protection sheild) Grams: "Wyatt, honey, you take care of your baby brother, your "gams" is going to help mommy and daddy and your aunties, raise your shield again and don't lower it until we tell you to okay?" (Wyatt all excited) Wyatt: "anwish emon, anwish emon!!" Grams: "Yes my little one, you vanquished a demon.... put your sheild up now". (Grams can't help but smile with pride at her grandsons as she leaves them in the sunroom protected by Wyatt's forcefield as she sees the battle in the living room beginning she realizes as she's heading into the living room she sees Wyatt's drawing and decides to go back to the children just as she does she sees two demons shimmer in behind Wyatt's protection sheild they reach to grab Wyatt and Chris and are instantly repelled by Wyatt's sheild when they touch it sending the demons flying backwards into the furniture. Another demon shimmers in behind grams, ready to grab her but she realizes what is happening now and TK's a nearby chair behind him and then turns around flipantly and chants) Grams: "Have a seat demon, enjoy the show because with one more movement, you're gonna blow!" (the demon realizing that a spell was just cast on him looks up surprized and utters..) Demon: "Uh-oh" (realizing that when he lifted his head, that's the movement that would make himself blowup........ grams looks as the demon explodes and chuckles to herself about how simple that was and turns her attention back to the children who by now Wyatt has again vanquished the demons who attacked Chris and him again by just a blink of his eyes... grams smiles and says with pride) Grams: "Demons, like men never listen.... anyone else want to play with this old broad and her precious little ones?" (two more demons that had shimmered in and watched what she and Wyatt had done with the previous demons looked at one another fearfully and quickly shimmered out of the manor... grams watching what the two latest demons just did replied to herself...) Grams: "I guess not." (then turning to look at the boys again perfectly happy playing with one another as if nothing ever happened. Grams sees another demon shimmer in behind Darryl and TK's the demon across the room and shouts to Darryl) Grams: " Darryl!! Come and get with the children and have Wyatt's sheild protect you!" (thinking outloud) Grams: "Now what was that protection spell Paige used on him that one time?" (Grams TK's the BOS to herself and looks through the BOS for a protection spell for both Andy and Darryl, more specifically the one Paige had cast on Darryl that time when the girls were helping the creature who was actually a man with the half manticore baby... she finds it and tweaks it a little bit thinking to herself what a talented young grand daughter she has and how much Paige reminds her of when she was young herself..... She looks at Darryl and chants the spell) Grams: "Blessed with powers from the halliwell line, I bless this man so he will be fine." (Darryl looks up at grams with one of those (oh no, they did it to me again looks, and shakes his head) grams looks at him and shakes her head thinking about what good are men in the manor?) Grams: "Are you thinking about givin' me lip?" (Darryl wanly smiles and realizes he better not say anything) Grams: "I didn't think so." (grams to herself...."Like I've always said they'd be better off with a dog. They're more loyal and they die sooner").
Post by hotlips70 on Aug 28, 2004 10:06:15 GMT -5
Leo orbs to Piper, with a few of the vanquishing potions that the girls had pre made incaase they ever lost their powers again. Leo sees a darklighter going after Paige and throws one of the potions. It hits the darklighter square in the face. It was a potion that imitates(sp) Pipers blow up powers. The darklighter's face blows up. " Paige remember that their arrows can kill you. * Leo Shouts to Paige* He turns to Piper to see a darklighter right there. Leo Gets stabbed with an arrow. Leo drops to the ground. Piper screams*
Barbas and the other demons and darklighters are losing, but They haven't lost the battle yet. ONe of the good guys is done. Barbas goes to Prue, thinking that he still has her under his spell." Prue, noone is here with you. You are all alone." Barbas pulls out a dagger to stab Andy." You have been a pain for far to long..."
Post by wildcat14 on Aug 28, 2004 10:43:19 GMT -5
source ( yes when it's time i'll surface and finish them all off and i'll be the one to turn wyatt evil i know just what to do to trick him )
Post by CharmingP4 on Aug 28, 2004 13:17:13 GMT -5
Paige: Leo!! ((runs to his side, and pulls him behind the couch, careful not to touch the arrow)) No Piper!! You and Phoebe need to kill the darkligther!! Then we'll help Leo. ((leans over Leo and touches his forehead)) I know you want Piper...but she and Phoebe are the only ones that can fight now...I'n going to orb you out of danger. ((she orbs him upsatirs to the attic and rests him on the floor with a pillow and blanket)) You'll be okay Leo. I promise. I swear to it. But I can't help you until someone pulls out the arrow....and then I'll heal you...even if it takes all day trying...it's time I learn. ((hugs her brother gently, wishing she were downstairs fighting ))
Andy: ((unaware of Barbas, of course, and the knife, he's still trying to get through to Prue)) Prue...please...can you hear your sisters downstairs? They need your help! Did you hear Leo scream? ((his voice getting shaky in fear)) Somethings happening down there and I think I should go help them....but I dont' want to leave you here....please Prue....please hear me. ((terrified that Leo's hurt bad or that the girls are in trouble, and wonders where the heck Darryl got to and prayed he was away from the fight going on))
Post by tonya30513 on Aug 28, 2004 13:26:13 GMT -5
piper finds the potions that leo dropped and starts to hurl them at the demons.poof..poof..poof...the demons start to fall adn burst into flames... piper to phoebe~hurry phoebe the spell!!!
Post by Amanda on Aug 28, 2004 14:04:39 GMT -5
((Prue, finally realizes what happened, jumps up)) Andy, oh my god. The fight! I have to help my sisters! ((Runs downstairs and see's a demon aboutto attack Piper, but Piper doesnt see him. Prue TK's the demon away and runs over to Piper.)) Ok I'm back sis, whats the plan?
((Darryl's with Wyatt and Chris, but realizes he hasnt seen Andy, so he starts getting worried and runs to where the stairs are)) Andy? Man where are you?
Post by tonya30513 on Aug 28, 2004 14:09:47 GMT -5
piper hands prue some of the potions and says: just throw these and pray they work. pheobe has the spell.